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The ‘Shay’ Blonde: It’s a movement!


One of my NUMBER ONE requests is for ‘Shay Merritt’s’ blonde.

“How do i get it!?”

“How do I maintain it?”

And WHAT do i need to ask my stylist for in order to achieve it!?

So, I’m just going to dive in and share all the ‘SHAY’ secrets to the ‘Perfect Platinium’.

Shay has been Platinium for years now and I can’t take all the credit, actually I can’t take any of the credit! 

She initially took the plunge with my good friend Calvin from Brush Salon in Vancouver and went full platinum from a traditional highlighted look! She has been maintaining it ever since through regular touch ups with her mother-in-law styilst; Michele. I get the honour of being interim stylist when Michele is unavailable or when Shay and I have a hair specific event that we need to prep her colour for.

Although it is a team effort, one reason that Shay’s platinum continues to look so fresh and even is that we work together to use the same application, the same toners, and we are very open about sharing our formulas between each other because it makes us all more successful stylists!

Using L’Oreal Professionnel lightner, and toner (my choice is acid based DIA LIGHT for insane shine, and brightness with the toner), and Kérastase Fusio Treatments I am able to maintain a perfect platinium with Shay!

Shay and I have been working together for over two years on her home-care routine, and we have narrowed it down to a perfect concoction of moisture, repair, protein, vitamins and toning products to ensure her blonde STAYS blonde! 

Here are my top TIPS for the perfect ‘Shay’ platinum:


If you live between cities, or visit more than one stylist, ENSURE that all your hair styling team is communicating with each other, so the SAME and correct formulas are being applied to the hair every time. For BEST results, stick to one stylist, and even better a salon that consistently using the same colour line and products. 


This means TWO things!

For a full platinum blonde you do not want to let your regrowth get any longer than about two finger widths (2 inches max). Once the hair grows out to long, you will begin to battle banding(those blotchy yellow lines you see sometimes!) because the heat from the head will lift colour differently than hair farther away! IF YOU WANT PERFECT BLONDE, YOU HAVE TO SEE YOUR STYLIST ON THE REG ( on average a platinium should be visiting the salon every 5-6 weeks) !

The second part of this means home-care – remember when I said it’s a team effort, that includes you! You MUST maintain your platinum with proper home-care. 

3. Keep it real

Look we aren’t magicians, although i’d like to say we are pretty close, you just can’t fight science! If you have brown-dark brown hair it is highly likely you will NOT be able to have WHITE platinum hair. And,  if you are lucky enough to achieve it, you will need to sacrifice length for colour. You also have to consider how much you want to be investing into your hair on a monthly basis. 

4. This is no job for a junior

If it seems to good to be true it is! A full platinum blonde is expensive and it is DIFFICULT.

Do not seek out a ‘deal’ for your transition into platinum. Experience is essential to success and a lack of platinum experience could result in an expensive fix, and in some cases major chemical breakage and loss of hair. Remember we are dealing with chemicals here!  To perfect a platinum takes time, years and a LOT of practice. If the hair is not lifted enough it will turn brassy, if the hair is lifted to much, it will cause breakage. This is not a service to seek out a deal, or see a stylist without extensive platinum experience. 

5. It most likely won’t happen in one shot!

If you think you are going to be blonde in a day you cray! My advice, book a consultation with your stylist prior to booking a platinum appointment!

At Pomme Salon, we sit and ask multiple questions to get a really good idea of your clear hair expectations, budget, and time commitment so we can properly advise on the best course of action! Yes platinum is gorgeous and all the goals, but the reality is; sometimes it just isn’t achievable for your hair or your skin type, your lifestyle or your budget! So through a detailed consult we are able to give you hair that is perfect for YOU! 

Nicole Pidherny

Nicole Pidherny

Master Stylist & Founder

Nicole Pidherny, the owner of Pomme Salon, wanted to create not only a hair salon, but also a beauty hub for clients and residents in the city.

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