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Which Scalp & Hair Growth Serum is Right for You?


We’ve heard the confusion around the Genesis Sérum Anti-chute Fortifiant and the Résistance Extentioniste Sérum, and to be fair, we completely understand why. So, in this blog we are going to break it down for you nice and easily! Read along to find out what serum is right for you and your hair!

Watch Nicole’s reel below!

Genesis – Sérum Anti-chute Fortifiant

What is it? In simplest terms, this serum will help you grow new hair while also strengthening existing hair!

Who is it for? Think along the lines of post partum/hormonal hair loss, stress hair loss or excessive breakage from weak hair. So yes, everyone is stressed right now and everyone needs it, basically.

What does it do? This serum will wake up dormant hair cells, promote scalp circulation and grow new hair while also repairing and strengthening the lengths and ends.

How to use: Use on wet or dry hair! We do recommend applying it at night time if on wet hair to really give it the chance to absorb, but it will not make your hair greasy! Use a minimum 3 times a week, but daily if not every second day is ideal!

Key Points:

  • Key ingredients: Ginger root, Caffeine and Aminexil. All of these ingredients work together to wake everything up and get things moving! However, Aminexil is the most important ingredient in the Genesis Anti-chute Fortifiant Sérum! Why? Because Aminexil is the single ingredient that is proven to grow new hair and wake up dormant cells. AKA, it is the good sh*t!!
  • This serum will promote scalp circulation which in turn promotes thicker and stronger hair! Yasssss!!
  • Anchors weak hair into follicle, so the hair is more resistant to breakage or falling.
  • Hair is strengthened and will grow longer and stronger!

Résistance – Extentioniste Sérum

What is it? A serum to strengthen weak AF hair! It is a good all around hair serum for hair that is not actively falling out!

Who is it for? Anybody with weak hair. It can be naturally weak, chemically weakened or mechanically weakened (Ahem, hot tool damage) Or anyone wanting to keep their hair long and strong!

What does it do? It literally stops hair breakage in its tracks!

How to use: Use on wet or dry hair as well! Again, we recommend applying it at night if you are using it on dry hair, just to give it the chance to soak in undisturbed! Use 3 times a week minimal.

Key points:

  • Key ingredient: Ceramides. Ceramides are lipids (aka fat molecules) that help the hair endure wear and tear while also promoting stronger elasticity and moisture retention! Which in turn, strengthens the hair.
  • Strengthens weakened hair. Weak hair could be caused from mechanical (hot tools), natural aggressors (pollutions, weather, wind, sun etc.) naturally weak hair.
  • Grow up to 7x more hair out of one follicle!
  • Hair is able to grow long because it is strong!
  • Experience shinier, more nourished hair.
  • Stops breakage. 

So… If you are still not sure, think about your top 3 hair goals and where you are at in general:

  • Are you trying to fill in your hair line after a period of loss?
  • Did you recently undergo a period of strong stress? (Lol)
  • Are you post partum/menopausal and shedding?

If you are currently nodding your head in agreement, Genesis – Sérum Anti-chute Fortifiant is more than likely the right choice for you.

  • Do you find your hair never grows past “that point”?
  • Are you in a love/hate relationship with you hot tool? Is your hair fine or lacking density?

If you feel like you’ve finally been understood, hop on the Résistance – Extentioniste Sérum bandwagon. (And also buy a Steampod)

Okay, so maybe you nodded your head at everything?

It is possible and great to use both! Crazy, right?! Not really, if we are being honest. Your hair can benefit from both serums believe it or not! Especially if you recently went through a serious bought of hair loss, Genesis will promote the new growth, and Extentioniste will make sure it grows super strong and durable!

Nicole xx

Nicole Pidherny

Nicole Pidherny

Master Stylist & Founder

Nicole Pidherny, the owner of Pomme Salon, wanted to create not only a hair salon, but also a beauty hub for clients and residents in the city.

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