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Hair Masque vs. Everything


We have heard it all before! Use a hair masque, leave a hair masque on, you can over use a hair masque, don’t use conditioner, the list goes on, and on and on. Somewhere along the way everybody got really confused and you were all left wondering if using a hair masque was going either fix all your problems in life or turn you into a grease ball! I am outlining the benefits of a hair masque and including my favourite masques of the moment, along with the difference between a masque and regular conditioner! Everything is about to become clear (and nourished!)

The Hair Masque – What is it!?

By now, we all know that a hair masque will deeply nourish our hair, but why, and what is it!? Generally speaking; a hair masque is a highly concentrated version of a daily conditioner. Hair masques typically penetrate 1-2 levels into the hair, giving almost instant nourishment and repair. I often recommend using a masque as your daily conditioner if you are feeling really dry as you are getting a high dose of nutrients every time! Just line a daily conditioner, you want to ensure you are selecting the best one for your hair type! Its important to determine if your hair is feeling chemically damaged, or dry. I find most often, if you feel your masque is to heavy, you are not using the correct one for your hair!

When Should I Use a Masque?!

You should reach for a masque if you need deep nourishment or repair, if you only shampoo 1-3 times a week I would recommend using a masque as your day to day conditioner, and reach for a Fusio Home Lab for your once a week deep treatment. The Fusio Home Lab treatments go into the cuticle of the hair slowly working their way out over 3-6 weeks, so these are the deep deep condition treatments that you need to be using 1-2 times a month.

How Do I Use My Masque!?

Myth- ” my masque on longer will give more condition or repair”

Fact: Apply your hair masque, ensure it is evenly distributed through, allow about 3-5 minutes for it to fully absorb all the nutrients into the hair and then rinse. If you sleep with your masque, or allow it to dry on your hair you will actually be creating MORE problems than solutions for yourself. A masque is meant to be rinsed off, the hair will absorb what it can and the rest will be rinsed off the hair leaving the hair conditioned and cleaned without build up. If you apply this to dry hair, or allow it to dry overnight you will be creating build up on the cuticle, clogging the cuticle preventing nutrients from actually absorbing into the hair. If you feel like you need more ( you probably do!) go for the Kerastase 8hr magic night serum; This serum has a slow release technology and will release moisture every two hours! Not only that, it releases different scents to aid in your sleep! (ya! I KNOW!)

What is a Daily Conditioner?

It is exactly how it sounds! This conditioner is a lighter version of your masque, it still has all the ingredients and nutrients that you would need, but in a less concentrated format. It is designed to be able to be used daily without leaving the hair feeling weighted!

How Do I Apply My Daily Conditioner?

ALWAYS shampoo your hair twice! The first Shampoo removes all the build up off the hair and the second shampoo cleans the actual hair! After you have completed two shampoos, ring out excess water and apply your daily conditioner, ensure it is evenly distributed and once fully absorbed (2-5 minutes) rinse out!

Do I have to condition after I apply my Fusio Home Lab Treatment?

The short and simple answer: NO! It may take some getting used to but the days you use your Fusio home lab treatment you REPLACE your conditioner or masque with your treatment! It is a spray, so initially it may feels so though you are not getting that deep condition, but it is because it is penetrating DEEPER into the hair! After you have combed it through and it is fully absorbed into the hair, your hair will feel like buttery silk 1000 count sheets (I promise!) There is no need to use conditioner on top, you simply don’t need it and will be rinsing most of the benefits down the drain because our hair can only absorb so much at a time!

Take our masque Quiz:


Do you have chemically (highlighted or balayaged hair)

Do you wash more than TWO times / week ?

Do you have dry ends?

Do you struggle with Frizz!?

Do you struggle with Breakage?

If you answered YES to three or more of these questions then these masques are for you!


Do you heat style your hair more than TWICE a week?

Do you find your hair to be very dry?

Are you lacking shine and lustre?

Do you have split / dry ends?

Do you struggle with frizz?

Does your hair tangle easily?

If you answered YES to THREE or more questions these masques are for you:


Do you have hair shedding?

Do you have hair fall at the root?

Do you find you have brittle, weak hair?

Does your hair lack volume?

Does your hair lack shine and moisture?

If you answered YES to THREE or more questions these masques are for you:

Nicole Pidherny

Nicole Pidherny

Master Stylist & Founder

Nicole Pidherny, the owner of Pomme Salon, wanted to create not only a hair salon, but also a beauty hub for clients and residents in the city.

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