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Spring into Summer Pomme Style


Ahh yes!! Spring is finally in the air! And with that comes preparing for summer! AKA busting out that razor again to get rid of our winter coat and then really looking in the mirror panicking because our hairs not blonde enough or long enough or *cue the dramatics* the quarantine 15 from last year is still not gone. But then, you don’t even know where to start with it all so you procrastinate and do nothing. Sound familiar? It does for me!

Luckily, we have some things up our sleeves that will help you prepare your hair for summer and get you and your hair through summer, as well. Read along for our summer must have products and our fave tips and tricks!!

1. Night Serum

The name is deceiving. We know by the look on your faces when we tell you, you can use it night and day. Apply it wet or dry, morning or night! This is the perfect product to start preparing your hair for summer! In the heat, our hair gets so dry, especially for us Okanagan babes! Both night serums will replenish and hydrate your hair; keeping it moisturized, nourished and happy before the sun can even get to it. That way, when summer is here, we aren’t trying to play catch up!! This will help counteract the negative effects the sun has on our hair!! P.s, it is also perfect to keep in your beach bag for after you hop out of the lake or pool.

2. Chronologiste – Masque Intense Régénérant

Alright listen up. We all know by now (hopefully) that the sun causes significant aging to our skin without proper care. Well, surprise it also does the same to our hair as well. The chronologiste masque is a super hydrating masque with anti-aging benefits too! The Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E and Abyssine all work together in the Chronologiste – Masque Intense Régénérant to revitalize the hair and restore its youth while also strengthening and stimulating cellular renewal. It is best to start using this before exposure! Prevention is key here, trust!

3. Chronologiste – Pré-Cleanse Régénérant

To prepare our scalps for summer, it’s important to use something hydrating and revitalizing to keep our scalps as healthy as can be for the warm weather and ahem, potential scalp sun burns. The Chronologiste – Pré-Cleanse Régénérant will detoxify, hydrate, and lightly exfoliate the scalp to keep the scalp fresh and healthy. (It also contains hyaluronic acid which is the single most hydrating beauty ingredient!!) We recommend using it 1-2x a week. This way, when warm weather does hit, we are not battling the dreaded dead, flakey skin and itchiness that comes with it because we have been treating it before it can even happen! Bam.

4. Résistance – Extentioniste Sérum

Our hair is more fragile in the summer. It is what it is. However, we can help it out by using the Résistance – Extentioniste Sérum before summer to really strengthen and protect our hair follicles, while also keeping the scalp nice and healthy. The stronger we make our hair now, the better. Use after every wash day, and continue to throughout the summer. Simple? Simple.

5. Blond Absolu – Huile Cicaextreme

Blond Absolu – Huile Cicaextreme will boost the hairs resistance to external aggressors; aka the heat, wind, pollution etc. While also intensely hydrating your lengths and ends! This is great for anyone with any sort of bleach damage! It does not matter how blonde you are or aren’t. Our favourite trick with the oil, especially for summer prep, is to use it as a pre shampoo with our scalp massager. It will really help to cleanse and work extra moisture into the scalp without weighing it down! Perfect to use before the Chronologiste – Pré-Cleanse Régénérant! Plus it is also great for whenever your lengths and ends need a pick me up. By using this oil, you will prepare the hair and scalp for exposure to external aggressors while also adding hydration, strength, smoothness and reduction of split ends! You literally can’t go wrong with this one.

6. Pomme Brush

Okkkkkk!! We might be stating the obvious at this point, but obviously you need a Pomme Brush. You can use it in the shower and out of shower for products! However, it is also great for the beach bag!! (I am thinking ahead, I know) But, it won’t collect dirt and if you drop it in the sand it is no big deal because there is nothing for it to get stuck to unlike traditional brushes! It is so important to brush your hair. For many reasons. However, in the summer our hair is more prone to tangles from lake water, chlorine, sun, messy buns and duh, ice cream getting blown into your hair when a gust of wind comes mid lick. You know, just the usual things. Moral is, buy this brush, use it now obviously and then have one with you in the summer so you don’t deal with a rats nest when you get home.

7. Maui Babe

Yes, I know it is not tanning season, yet, but we are preparing our hair for the sun so we better prepare our skin too!! Maui Babe After Browning Lotion can actually be used through all seasons, because of its soothing and hydrating properties! We actually recommend to start using it now as your daily body moisturizer! It will keep your skin rejuvenated, hydrated and smooth so there is no back peddling after your first day in the sun. (Doesn’t this just have you day dreaming of laying the beach?! Just me? Ok.) It would also be a good time to stock up on Maui Babe Sunscreen and Maui Babe Original Browning Lotion, its always important to wear sunscreen even on spring days and you may as well get a head start on the tan while you’re out doing spring things!

To end it off, the #1 key thing for summer preparation is hydration, hydration and more hydration.

There is no such thing as too much hydration leading up to summer. Find a routine that works for YOU and your hair, it doesn’t need to be complicated! Choose 3 products from this list that tailor to your needs, based off whether your scalp gets the driest or your hair itself gets the driest! And as always, if you need any help figuring out a summer preparation routine for you, we are here to help!!

With love,

Pomme Team!! xx

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